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What DockMaster users need to know 

DockMaster partner BoatCloud recently announced the launch of its new 4.0 version that promises to bring several improvements to its software. Being that DockMaster is seamlessly integrated with BoatCloud’s interactive marina management technology, our clients will experience many benefits with this launch.

What DockMaster Users Get with BoatCloud 4.0 Integration

What DockMaster users get with BoatCloud 4.0 release

With DockMaster’s fluent integration to BoatCloud, users will be able to control customer/boat/rack assignments directly in DockMaster. You’ll always stay up to date on assignments, as the API pulls this data into BoatCloud every five minutes. 

Keeping track of reservations will also be more seamless, with all boat movement reservations managed in BoatCloud with excellent in-depth reporting capabilities. Managing rack/launch inventory will also be more efficient, as inventory items within DockMaster will be flagged for use in BoatCloud. This process will make only select items available for provisioning. 

Finally, BoatCloud 4.0 will post suspended tickets back to DockMaster for provisioned goods and services, all specific to the customer in question.

To recap, DockMaster’s integration to BoatCloud 4.0 lets our clients:

  • Control customer/boat/rack assignments in DockMaster.
  • Manage all boat movement reservations in BoatCloud.
  • Flag inventory items within DockMaster for use in BoatCloud.
  • Post suspended tickets for corresponding customers back to DockMaster for provisioned goods and services.
BoatCloud 4.0 Features

BoatCloud 4.0 Features | marina management system

  • Multi-lift capabilities that serve multiple boat classes.
  • Completely customizable DAILY lift schedules. Each lift gets its own schedule for each day of the week – with ZERO limitations for unique availability.
  • Improved granular controls for email and text notifications for both employees and customers.
  • New and improved Suspension (Do Not Launch) feature.
  • Improved audit logging and move count tracking. Every move/touch is a separate record.
  • New “rules” for customers to live by…  How many reservations, how far into the future, how much advance notice, etc…
  • Improved mobile app experience for customers.
  • Improved routines for ordering provisioned goods and services during the booking process.

Reservations are made easy with BoatCloud's integration to DockMaster

We’re very excited to see BoatCloud continuously striving to improve their product, a value DockMaster shares. We look forward to bringing these new functions to our own customers. If you’d like to learn more about BoatCloud 4.0’s capabilities within DockMaster, feel free to get in touch with your pro services rep today or contact us here.


DockMaster Software is an industry leading management system for marinas, boatyards, and boat dealerships. DockMaster includes Unit Sales, Prospecting and F&I with fully integrated financial management and numerous integrations with CRM applications, dealer websites and text/messaging services. The Service module includes estimating, labor tracking, and complete parts management with ordering/receiving, subcontractor fulfillment and invoicing. DockMaster Mobile allows technicians to clock on/off jobs from any mobile device. Visual Marina™ management includes storage & billing, occupancy tracking, reservations and dry stack management, including integrations to leading consumer applications for boat rentals, online reservations, concierge/launch scheduling and our new Fuel Integration with FuelCloud. DockMaster also includes Point of Sale, Order Entry with eCommerce and a complete accounting system. Learn more at and follow DockMaster on TwitterInstagramFacebook, and LinkedIn. Or email

About BoatCloud

BoatCloud has served the specific needs of the drystack marina segment since May of 2012.  The first of its kind, BoatCloud gave drystack operators a web-based portal to manage all boat movements within their facilities. Today, nearly 150 marinas depend on BoatCloud to manage daily boat movement operations. At inception, BoatCloud was almost entirely customer-centric – focused on giving drystack patrons the ability to use an app to book reservations instead of calling or showing up at the marina. All reservations feed directly to any device for any logged in employees – including iPads or tablets mounted to the forklifts. After nearly 8 years of feature enhancements, BoatCloud serves as an extremely powerful solution for drystack operators.