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Our President, Cam Collins had the pleasure of speaking during the 2017 Marine Dealer Conference & Expo. During his talk, he highlighted DockMaster’s involvement in software integrations through our open API. The uses of the DockMaster API are endless and allows users of the platform to automate different processes and tasks that once took minutes, now they take the click of a button.

When the economy began to pick up steam after the recession in 2008, we started to receive many requests from customers to support various web-based and mobile applications within DockMaster. At that time, we realized we couldn’t be “best in class” at everything, so we decided to partner with companies that offered solutions outside of our core dealer management system. We launched our first application programming interface (API) in 2011 and we haven’t looked back since.

What is an Open API?

Essentially, an open API is a cord that allows third-party software applications to “plug-in” to the core of the DockMaster product and connect various aspects of the software applications together. It allows the DockMaster service to directly interact with functions of the software and vice versa; creating or modifying contracts in SalesForce (third-party software) are immediately posted to DockMaster. Benefits of using an Open API software are as follows:

· DockMaster allows users to decide which set of tools they want to use for their business. Open APIs allows the user to take any of the available services provided by DockMaster and use within their software. This can be anything from assisting service apps, customer portals, CRM and various other services listed in the graphic above.

· DockMaster allows access to the software from any device. You can use any web applications, mobile applications, or operating system, to connect to your marina management software using an open API system.

· DockMaster reduces or eliminates double entry of data. This is one of the biggest benefits of using an open API. Since the programs are connected together, information collected in one application is automatically shared with other connected apps, eliminating the need for re-entering the same information twice; saving both time and money.

· DockMaster reduces data entry errors. Related to the elimination of double entries; less repetition of manual information allows for fewer mistakes when entering data.

Using the DockMaster open API, organizations can benefit greatly and work more productively. DockMaster has partnered with many other businesses to integrate their various systems. The following are examples of how DockMaster have empowered and enabled our partners.

Example 1: Empower Sales Team

Our two prominent partnerships that implement DockMaster into their sales team are with teamMarine and SalesForce. When a new or modified contract or customer is added in SalesForce, an identical entry is made in DockMaster using the information from SalesForce. The roles can also be flipped; when a new entry is made in DockMaster, an identical entry is made in SalesForce. This connection allows the prospects and customer information to always be updated to the current state.

Example 2: Empower Service Team

The primary company that utilizes DockMaster to empower their service team is MyTaskit. We offer both web-based and mobile coordination, allowing for changes is work orders, customers or boats to be synchronized between systems. This makes it easy for service managers and technicians because they are connected to the synchronized system and can view or modify from their mobile device.

Example 3: Enable eCommerce Stores

One of our clients, Merritt Marine Supplies, links their eCommerce store with DockMaster. It allows for automatic records of SKUs, quantities and prices to be recorded in DockMaster’s inventory management service. It updates the reduced quantity of on-hand inventory and assures the amount will never go into the negative.

For a further look into the usage of our open API, check out Cam Collins presentation “Power Through Partnerships“. It goes more into detail about DockMaster’s operations and our usage and implementation of the API and the reason you should use them. Today we have over sixteen DockMaster integration partners that range from mobile apps to custom websites and are always looking to grow.

Are you interested to learn more about our Open API? Learn more about our solutions partners, or request a new solution partner with the DockMaster application.

DockMaster Software is an industry leading management system for marinas, boatyards, and boat dealerships. DockMaster includes Unit Sales, Prospecting and F&I with fully integrated financial management and numerous integrations with CRM applications, dealer websites and text/messaging services. The Service module includes estimating, labor tracking, and complete parts management with ordering/receiving, subcontractor fulfillment and invoicing. DockMaster Mobile allows technicians to clock on/off jobs from any mobile device. Visual Marina™ management includes storage & billing, occupancy tracking, reservations and dry stack management, including integrations to leading consumer applications for boat rentals, online reservations, concierge/launch scheduling and our new Fuel Integration with FuelCloud. DockMaster also includes Point of Sale, Order Entry with eCommerce and a complete accounting system. Learn more at and follow DockMaster on TwitterInstagramFacebook, and LinkedIn. Or email